
You gotta love the strange things you run across if you play D&D and search the web. In this case, today I found some really interesting masks, brought to us by Freaky Findz.

I admit, they are a little pricey…..but man do they look good. Imagine your DM pulling one of these out, putting it on and playing in character. I would be rolling.

No matter what though…..I know for FACT that I am going as Venger this Halloween.

Check out their site and level up your game. Come on… know you want to.

Cheers - E


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

A Pi Day Adventure


Wargaming at West Point 03/21/23