A Pi Day Adventure

In honor of Pi Day, I thought we would go ahead and revisit a classic Dungeons and Dragons adventure - “The Orc and The Pie”.

"The Orc and The Pie Adventure" by Monte Cook is a classic example of a short and simple role-playing game adventure that can be adapted to various game systems. Cook, a key contributor to the 3rd Edition of Dungeons and Dragons, created the adventure as a fun and easy-to-run option for game masters looking for a quick one-shot adventure, and to show that an adventure does not have to be complex to be fun.

Although “The Orc and The Pie” it was a brief adventure, it was considered a technically complete, with all the necessary elements to meet the guidelines of WotC as an adventure module.

In addition, although the adventure was originally created for 3rd Edition, it can be adapted to any role-playing game system with a little bit of tweaking. This makes it a versatile option for game masters who want to run a quick and easy adventure with their players. In fact, Wil Wheaton wrote an editorial in Dungeon Magazine #124 where he used the adventure to teach his step-son how to play.

Unfortunately, the adventure is no longer available on Monte Cook's website. However, it can still be found on the Internet Wayback Machine, along with various adaptations and evolutions of the adventure created by other game masters over the years. I have included a screenshot below, plus more info after the jump.

I personally ran an expanded version of this for my party, where the The Happy Pie Orc Bakery that I had placed in Ptolus (also a Monte Cook creation) was using “cuttings” from a Troll as the meat for the pies and the Troll escapes - creating a situation for the adventurers to take care of.

Now, years later, publisher Maré Baxia has expanded the the original adventure to TWO PAGES by adding a little background….but still remaining true to the spirit of the adventure. You can check out her page and download it HERE.


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.


Make it STOP: Damsel

