Wargaming at West Point 03/21/23

The United States Military Academy at West Point is known for producing some of the finest officers in the US Military. It is also known for its unique approach to military education, which includes integrating gaming into the classroom and officer development. In this post, we will explore how professors and cadets at West Point use wargaming to enhance their understanding of military history, strategy, and tactics.

Wargaming is the use of games to simulate military scenarios and conflicts. It has been used by military leaders for centuries as a way to develop strategy, test tactics, and evaluate possible outcomes. At West Point, wargaming is used to teach cadets about historical battles, leadership, and decision-making.

One way in which West Point uses wargaming is by creating unique scenarios that replicate battlefields that cadets later visit as part of staff rides. Staff rides are an important part of the curriculum at West Point, where cadets visit historical battlefields to gain a better understanding of military strategy and tactics. By using wargaming to simulate these battles beforehand, cadets can develop a better understanding of the terrain, troop movements, and decision-making that took place during the actual battle.

Another way in which West Point uses wargaming is by creating and employing unique games to advance historical education. For example, cadets may play a game that simulates the Battle of Gettysburg or the Normandy Invasion, which allows them to learn about the tactics and decisions that were made during these battles. These games can also help cadets develop critical thinking skills, as they must make decisions based on incomplete information and adapt to changing circumstances.

Many of us at Drunkards and Dragons are veterans and have nothing but the deepest respect for our Military, especially West Point. So we are excited to see this free webinar to learn more on how the West Point integrates Wargaming into their curriculum. You too can attend this event by going to Wargaming at West Point

Wargaming at West Point (a panel discussion) and signing up.

Hope to see you there.

/Salute - Ed


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.




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