Having Fun at other’s expense - Video

Anyone that really knows me can attest that I am a bit of a handful (on a good day).

My brain runs at 1000mph and there is absolutely zero filter between my brain and mouth.

I am always up to something, and as long as people find it funny…..I’m ok with that.

Currently I am playing in a D&D game hosted by TMSyndicate (check our schedule for streamed games) as a Kender adventuring in Greyhawk.

I am sure you are asking - what is a Kender doing Greyhawk (long story - but there is a logical reason), what is Greyhawk (I know someone is going to ask - It is one of the OG Gaming Worlds created by Gary Gygax) and who lets this kind of thing happen……our great DM, TMSyndicate.

Well, it just so happens TMSyndicate was running/streaming another game, and I decided to watch. The game was going well (the DM was testing some audio enhancements), but I decided it was time to interject myself a little into the game via chat by bribing any player to sing a song about my character - Toby.

Definately check out TMSynidcate’s Twitch Channel ( TMSyndicate - Twitch) to learn more about him and his games (including ours - currently A Princess of Celene). Definitely worth the time and effort if I do say so myself.

Cheers - E


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.


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