Wizard Spells

As I may have mentioned before, my favorite character to play in Dungeons and Dragons is a Wizard, the classic Magic User.  I can’t say that my FIRST character was a Wizard though.  Back with the original Brown Books the rules were a bit more fluid and I was playing a young Gold Dragon.  Me:“I fly 60 down the hall and see what’s there.”   DM: “Well the wall at 40 feet kinda stopped you cold.  Roll 1d6 as dumbass damage from flying headlong into a wall.”

Yeah.  Good times.  :D  But my SECOND character was a Wizard and I’ve been playing them (and dwarves) ever since.  Back with 1st Edition I had created all sorts of tables and charts to help me with Magic User spells and how they worked etc.  I recently started playing 5E and was bemoaning to myself that I wish I had some of those things I had mumblety mumble years ago. 

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I thought about it a bit and realized that I have much better tools nowadays as opposed to multiple paper charts.  The below spreadsheet is a tool to quickly look up a spell by level, name, VSM, type, damage, or material component (that costs GPs).  My favorite spell to have at 1st level is Chromatic Orb.  BUT it costs at least 50gp each time you throw it.  Nice spell, bad economics.  So keeping track of the material components is a good thing, I think.  This particular spread sheet might have some errors in it. (Probably does in some form) but I’ll place it here in case anyone has a use for it.



A Long Time Ago, in a small town Far Far Away


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