A Cool Funko Pop Vinyl - The Mimic
I’m not a huge fan of the Funko Pop Vinyl figures.
Don’t get me wrong, there are a few that are cool – and the Ricky Bobby/Cal Naughton Jr has a special place in my heart due to my son giving me them as a gift (Shake & Bake)……but for the most part, I just do not see the allure.
That is until today.
We recently ran a post about an GameStop Exclusive D&D prop (Game Props – RINGS!!!) where I even highlighted that GameStop uses exclusive (specifically the Funko Pop line) to augment sales. Its almost as if they were listening….because they just put out a another one…. A Mimic.
For those of you who do not know, Mimics have been appearing in every Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual since 1st Edition, with the exception of 4th. It was classic monster, one that actually made sense on the “Wandering” Monster table (you could just drop one in if a player was acting like he had already read the module – keeping things fresh) and it was a staple of most DMs bag of tricks back in the day.
Mimics themselves are subterranean creatures which cannot stand the light of the sun. They are able to perfectly mimic stone or wood, being able to pose as items such as stonework, doors, or chests. When a character or creature touches the disguised mimic, the mimic can lash out with a bludgeoning pseudopod, possibly being caught in the adhesive glue the creature excretes - holding them fast as they are slowly consumed to satisfy the Mimic’s insatiable hunger.
1st Edition 2nd Edition Spelljammer 3rd Edition 5th Edition
Evolution of the Mimic
There is even a fabulous “Ecology of the Mimic” as transcribed by Ed Greenwood from the “Journals of Maerlun the Scholar” in the The July 1983 issue of Dragon magazine (No. 75). As with all the “Ecology” series – if you have the ability….check them out!
Mimic - Dragon #75
I would even argue that the The Monster Book of Monsters from Harry Potter is a Mimic as well.
As to the latest incarnation – This GameStop’s exclusvive’s disguise is based of the box (574) for the Rashemaar warrior Minsc (and his hamster Boo) – where Funko reminds us that in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, not everything is as it seems. Its colorful, original and made me laugh - all compelling qualities. This would actually be something I could see on my bookshelf (along with the original), and I have even gone so far as to Pre-order just to make sure I get one. Head over to the GameStop website (HERE) and order yours today, since you know they will sell out.
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that one of first posts put out by our own resident modeler and painter (Russ the Magnificent) was also also a Mimic - so jump over HERE to check it out his paint job and the link to download/3D Print your own Mimic Dice Box.
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