When D&D and Fashion Collide

From a young age, I have had a deep fascination with rings. My interest in them began long before I discovered the world of Dungeons and Dragons or delved into the story of the One Ring. I cannot pinpoint the exact moment that sparked my fascination, but I believe it may have been a combination of my father's membership in the Freemasons and my love for Underdog's iconic line, "The secret compartment of my ring I fill with an Underdog super energy pill!"

Over time, my interest in rings with hidden meanings only grew stronger. Reading J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy introduced me to the concept of Rings of Power, which only heightened my intrigue. As my father advanced in the Freemasonry to the Scottish Rite, his ring grew in size and significance, and my fascination with rings with secret symbols and messages continued to grow, so much so I reviewed some Ring Props some time ago in a Blog Post.

Below, I will share some examples of the types of rings that capture my imagination.


As the name suggests, these rings have a unique feature where one part of the ring can be flipped over to reveal a different design or message. Flip-rings come in various designs, styles, and materials, making them a versatile accessory that can complement any outfit. Many people enjoy the element of surprise and versatility that flip-rings offer, as they can easily switch up the look of their ring depending on their mood or the occasion. Flip-rings are an excellent choice for anyone who wants a ring that can be both stylish and playful.

A Masonic Flip-Ring that reveals the All Seeing Eye

Acrostic Jewelry

Acrostic Jewelry, sometimes known as the “language of gemstones”, spells a word using the first letter of every gemstone used. A piece of jewelry embedded with a Ruby, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst, Ruby and Diamond would spell ‘REGARD‘ – an important term of endearment in the late Georgian and Victorian eras.

Dice Ring

This bring us to the main focus of this post, a unique accessory called the Dragon Ring Box and Mini Dice set, which is specifically designed for Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts. This extraordinary ring not only looks impressive but also has a secret compartment that houses a complete set of gaming dice, making it perfect for rolling at any given moment (such as rolling for initiative). Although the ring has a boxy shape that may not be to everyone's liking, it could still be a great addition to a period costume or a tabletop gaming session. However, it is worth noting that the ring does come with a somewhat hefty price tag of $103.98, which includes a sterling silver ring, mini dice, and a dragon ring box.


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.


Review: Dungeon #1, Part 1


One Butterfly to Rule Them All