The Village of Omelette - #1

I think we have all been paying attention to the news regarding ChatGpt and the amazing way AI is able to be so creative.

While on Twitter - I saw someone post a pretty funny faux cover, parodying The Village of Homlett with the The Village of Omelette. I immediately knew I wanted to write that module, but then wondered….what would happen if I asked ChatGpt to flesh out the content? Could we run a basic game over blog posts with the comments section? Is ChatGpt just using search algorithms to find already created content? Lets find out…….

DM Ed Question to ChatGpt - Using Dungeons and Dragons as a template, please describe the opening scene to the module The Village of Omelette , a village named for its legendary breakfasts, a once prosperoous community near the Temple of Culinary Evil.

The Village of Omelette, a small, tight-knit community surrounded by rolling hills and verdant forests, is a place known far and wide for its legendary breakfasts. The villagers take great pride in their reputation as purveyors of the finest breakfast fare in the land, and they work tirelessly to maintain the quality of their food and the reputation of their village.

As the players arrive in the village, they are greeted by the sights and sounds of a bustling community. The air is filled with the aroma of sizzling bacon and freshly baked bread, and the streets are lined with vendors selling all manner of breakfast treats.

However, as the players make their way deeper into the village, they begin to notice that something is amiss. The once-cheerful villagers now wear expressions of worry and fear, and the streets are eerily quiet.

Upon questioning some of the villagers, the players learn that a dark force has taken root in the nearby Temple of Culinary Evil, and it is threatening to destroy the village and its people. The temple was once a place of pilgrimage for food lovers and culinary adventurers, but now it is overrun by creatures of darkness who seek to control the food supply and bend the people of the village to their will.

The villagers implore the players to journey to the Temple of Culinary Evil and put an end to the evil that lurks within its walls. With the fate of the village and its breakfasts in the balance, the players must embark on a dangerous and exciting adventure to save The Village of Omelette from a culinary catastrophe.

DM Ed Question to ChatGpt - Please describe the plot hook for the characters

The plot hook for the characters in the Village of Omelette is the threat to the village's breakfasts and the wellbeing of its people. The Temple of Culinary Evil, once a place of pilgrimage for food lovers, has become overrun by evil forces that seek to control the food supply and bend the villagers to their will.

The villagers have asked for the players' help in defeating the evil forces and saving their village from destruction. As characters with a sense of adventure and a love of good food, they are naturally drawn to the challenge and intrigued by the prospect of exploring the Temple of Culinary Evil.

Additionally, the villagers have offered a reward to the players who succeed in their quest: a lifetime supply of the finest breakfast fare the village has to offer. This tantalizing prospect is sure to motivate the characters and add an extra layer of excitement to the adventure.

In short, the plot hook for the characters is the opportunity to undertake a thrilling adventure to save a village, defeat evil forces, and enjoy a lifetime of delicious breakfasts.

Well - that is interesting. Quick Google searches show this to pretty original and to honest….I laughed when I read it. This could be a really interesting experiment and I would love to see what you guys think in the comments below. Post them in or out of Character…..but lets go ahead and explore The Village of Omelette through ChatGpt. We have the setting, the hook and…..

- Ed @daDrunkDragon


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

The Village of Omelette - #2


Dragons of Covid #2 - The Black Dragon