Saturday Mornings: The Herculoids

The Herculoids is a classic animated TV series that first aired in 1967. The show tells the story of a group of extraterrestrial creatures who live on the distant planet of Amzot and defend their world from evil invaders. Created by Alex Toth, the series has become a cult favorite among animation fans and has influenced numerous other shows and movies.

The Herculoids are a diverse group of creatures, each with unique abilities and personalities. The group is led by Zandor, a muscular human-like figure who possesses incredible strength and agility. He is joined by his wife, Tara, who has the power of telepathy, and their son, Dorno, who is a skilled warrior.

The other members of the team include Zok, a flying dragon-like creature who can shoot energy blasts from his eyes, Tundro, a massive rhinoceros-like creature with incredible strength and a powerful horn, and Igoo, a rock-like creature with the ability to change shape and size at will.

The Herculoids face a variety of threats on their planet, from robotic invaders to giant monsters. Each episode sees the team using their unique abilities and working together to protect their world from danger. The show was notable for its action-packed storytelling, colorful animation, and imaginative world-building.

The Herculoids has had a lasting impact on popular culture, with references and homages appearing in numerous other shows and movies. The series has been referenced in episodes of The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Robot Chicken, among others.

The Herculoids has also inspired a number of spin-offs and adaptations. In 1981, a comic book series was launched by Marvel Comics, and in 2016, a new Herculoids series was announced by Warner Bros. Animation.

So, this Saturday Morning, pour some cereal (the more sugar the better) and curl up with some Herculoids - you won’t regret it.


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

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