So, Drunkards and Dragons.  Originally we were going to call ourselves Drinking and Dragons but somebody had already squatted on that domain so, being intrepid adventurers (legends in our own minds, naturally) we decided that Drinking and Drunkards were synonymous.  Based on our history we weren’t far wrong…  Ed and I are Army vets and served together in Germany in the late 80’s.  Yeah.  I know.  We’re old.  However, one of the great upsides of Germany in the 80’s was:


GOOD beer! 

Excellent Beer!

And most of all….  CHEAP Beer!  All served in half liters!!




That magical potion that can make you handsome, tough, and smart.  All in just a few hours….  :D

In gaming over the years, beer has been an integral part of the experience, both in game and out!  In game beer can lead to bad decisions and funny stories.  Out of game…..  Oddly enough can lead to marriage…. (Wait.  Was that my out loud voice!?!)  but THAT is another story.

One of my favorite stories of beer was in Germany.  Ed and I were in a group playing (and DRINKING!) with our favorite GM, Dan.  Dan usually only had a beer or two when he was gamemaster as this kept him sharp and enhanced his ability to mess with us.  The beer this particular night was a wonderful local hefeweizen, Lichtenaur (As opposed to LICH-tenaur, the in-game brew….)  Dan was describing an exciting encounter.  Anticipation was rising.  The party was negotiating among ourselves what we were likely to do.  The party leader turned to Dan and…..  Sitting straight up in his chair, beer in his hand, Dan was asleep.  Not “Oh! I was dozing!” sleeping but “I’m ignoring anything but a nuclear detonation” sleeping.  We all looked at each other and tip toed out of the apartment and went home.   His wife told us later that he woke up a bit later and was startled we had all disappeared!!!!

Sometimes it’s the simple things that are so good.  :D


It’s a MIMIC!!!


Character Development