The Potato Masher

Like many TTRPG players, many of us at Drunkards & Dragons are either Veterans, Reenactors or Both. We reference all kinds of historical documents, videos and items - and sometimes I am sure to others it seems like a foreign language.

Case in point.

While watching a movie the other night, I referred to a grenade being thrown as a “Potato Masher”. My wife, Steph, looked at me odd and said “What are you talking about?”

Without giving an explanation, I went to Discord to see if anyone else within my gaming circle knew what it was….and of course, I got some funny responses….the most notable from our own Russ (@SplashDamage1).

First off, what IS a Potato Masher?

The potato masher grenade, also known as the Stielhandgranate, was a hand grenade used by the German army during World War I and World War II. It was called the potato masher because of its distinctive shape, which resembled a kitchen utensil used for mashing potatoes.

The Stielhandgranate had a wooden handle that extended from the top of the grenade, which allowed the user to throw it farther and more accurately. The handle also had a friction igniter, which was used to activate the fuse.

The Stielhandgranate was widely used by the German army during both World War I and World War II, and was known for its effectiveness and reliability. Its distinctive shape made it easy to recognize and gave it a psychological impact on enemy troops.

Given the above descrition….imagine my surprise Russ Sent me THIS from At The Front ……a reenactment replica site that provides historically accurate represenations.

Now this is right up my alley. Some of you might recall when I wanted a Bullhorn, Bagpipes and of course the Didgeridoo. It is weird, scary or makes noise……I want one, and at only $24.99….its a steal.

After looking at the site, there are lots of other things… I am happy to give this unpaid endorsement. Check out At the Front. Its well worth the time.

Cheers - E


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

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