The Plan

Sorry its been awhile since I have posted, but those pesky grown up tasks tend to get in the way. So, to get us back in the swing of things, I thought I would share some insight to our recent gaming session……and The Plan.

As our A Princess of Celene campaign continues to captivate our brains, I decided to incorporate elements that would align with the game's mood and theme, as well as help me navigate interactions with the main NPC.

Recent sessions had revealed that I sometimes stumbled over my words during lengthy roleplaying dialogues, so I wanted to keep our talented DM, Brian, on his toes. The game had taken on a distinct Western flavor, departing from the traditional TTRPG style, leading to the creation of "The Plan."

Recently in our game, our party had uncovered a coven of vampires that had been distributing poisoned alcohol in the small village of Merrydale, gradually sapping the life from its residents. After a skirmish with the vampires, they retreated to their lair. Instead of marching directly into their lair, I proposed a strategy to lure them out into the open for a fair fight, thereby nullifying some of their supernatural advantages.

The essence of The Plan involved me utilizing a spell to transform into Lily Nelst, the daughter of Merrydale's recently deceased mayor. My role would be to ride out in front of our wagon, offering a parlay and presenting myself as a sacrificial offering. Meanwhile, the rest of our party would conceal themselves around the wagon, posing as prisoners, ready to spring a trap.

While those of you on Twitter were not so confident in my planning abilities….

….here's how I ENVISIONED this scene unfolding, offering a glimpse into the intricate thought process of my character:

The scene commences with my character, Squire Tomas Waverly, engaging in a heartfelt prayer to the god Heward. This prayer serves a dual purpose: it reaffirms our pre-session gameplay decisions, particularly my intention to take a level of Cleric upon leveling up, and it sets the stage for a potential divine intervention in the event I need to invoke divine favor while facing Nasiful Juerae, the main vampire antagonist. This prayer symbolizes my quest for divine assistance and the possibility of gaining an upper hand in our imminent confrontation.

Prayer to Heward as Tomas -

Heward, the Patron of Bards, Adventurers and Vagabonds. I speak not of eloquence but of the impending epic clash that awaits. As I stand before you, I crave your divine might to face this monumental battle against the forces of evil. Bless me as I am poised for a battle that will echo through the ages. I yearn to sing of this impending triumph in your honor, weaving tales of valor and glory as your mortal extension. Grant me strength, O Heward, so that I may etch our victory into the annals of history, a testament to your power and our unwavering resolve. Together, we shall emerge triumphant, and I shall sing of it with a heart ablaze in your name.

Next would have been Tomas (disguised as Lilly) riding up to the parley - so (work with me here) imagine Josey Wales is now a woman........

As Lilly Nest -

"We, the villagers of Merrydale, have dispatched the interlopers, and I have brought the few of their survivors as a tribute in the hope of securing peace for our town,"

"We seek nothing but tranquility."

"In addition, you have already taken my father, therefore I have nothing to live for. To be with him forever, I willingly sacrifice myself to you."

I strongly encourage you to watch our session to witness how NONE of my carefully crafted plans unfolded as expected. I intentionally won't reveal all the other facets of the plan, as I might employ some of these tactics again, and I want to keep Brian on his toes.

That said, the funniest and biggest reason my plans were derailed was due to the return of one of my characters who went off the rail and became an NPC. You got to be shitting me, how could I have not forseen this?


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

The Deck of Many Things - Part 2


Breathing Life into Your D&D Characters with Historical &Mythological Archetypes