The Final Dungeons and Dragons Trailer Drops

Well, March 31st is just around the corner and that means the final trailer for Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves has dropped.

Overall, there is nothing really new other than a small Dimension Door scene as they are escaping the dragon and a few minor background scenes.

I do hate to say that I am getting tired of the Zepplin Soundtrack, its getting to overplayed, and the Owlbear (and the subesquent pimping by WotC) is getting old.

My biggest fear from this movie is that we have seen the best scenes and remaining filler is going to make for a long runtime - but I could be wrong.

Stay tuned for a couple of easter egg theories I have (I have not seen them anywhere else), and let me know below what your thoughts so far are.

Cheers - E


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

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