Review - The Great Big Random D100 List of Tavern Drinks

As a DM/GM, we have all been there. 

Its game night and you are running a one-shot.  Your players start out at a bar (obviously) and they start asking what drinks are on the menu.  Instead of going with the standard Ale & Wine combo – you want to spice things up…but you have no idea on where to go from there. 

Well, look no further than The Great Big Random D100 List of Tavern Drinks – from Aurican’s Lair.


As the name implies, this 9 page pdf has 100 random drinks, with associated colors, descriptions, effects and prices.   Can you characters keep a glass of Slog down (Roll DC8 Save)?  What are the effects of Warlock’s Wasted Patron (ability to use Mage Hand for the next 24 hours)?  How about pouring some Kraken Rum and calling it Squid Ink (Advantage to hiding or escaping during the rest of the session).  

 As you can see – if used right, you can add flavor to bar scenes for sessions to come.   I usually keep a folder of Random Tables like this around just for occasion like this - it keeps the game fresh, players engaged and adds a little twist to the session.

Sadly, Aurican’s Lair has not been updated in awhile, I highly recommend you checking out his site regardless due to some great articles and resources. In the case of The Great Big Random D100 List of Tavern Drinks - I linked above to both his site and the originating article, plus I am mirroring the table HERE…just in case the site goes down in the future. By no means is this intended to infringe on Aurican’s content - but as a sign of respect to keep the resources alive.

In the end, big shout out toe Aurican…now lets all belly up to the bar for a drink.




I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

Orc Piss Recipe


Movies that seem to be D&D Adventures - Castle of the Living Dead (1962)