Please turn Nicolas Cage into King Conan

This morning Russ (@SpashDamage1) and I were having a conversation and the discussion turned to Nicolas Cage:

Russ - New movie for you on Amazon. 'The Old Way' with Nick Cage

Me -Seen it advertised and almost watched - worth it?

Russ - Excellent

Me - Cage's last 3 movies have all been out of the ballpark

Russ - Agreed. Since he owed Uncle Sam so much money his acting has gotten better

Me -To me - he's an A list actor taking B and C level movies and raising the bar with them

Russ - Legit

Me - Honestly - if I were going to remake Lone Wolf and Cub now.......I would cast him in it

Russ - Hell, I'd like to see him do a remake of Conan

Me - not a remake - the end of the Conan saga.....King Conan

Russ - Oooohhh..... Get chat gpt to write a script

As you know, we have played with ChatGPT a few times on the blog (Here and Here), so why not? Here is our script outline, what do you think?

Title: King Conan

Genre: Action/Adventure

Logline: After years of ruling Aquilonia, Conan the Barbarian faces a new threat to his kingdom, and must confront his own past in order to save his people and secure his legacy.

Act I:

  • The film opens with a montage of Conan (Nicholas Cage) as King of Aquilonia, showcasing his accomplishments and the prosperity of his kingdom.

  • However, a new threat emerges in the form of an army led by a mysterious sorcerer, Xaltotun, who seeks to overthrow Conan and rule Aquilonia.

  • Conan, along with his trusted advisors, Valeria and Subotai, prepare for war and begin rallying their armies.

Act II:

  • In the midst of the war, Conan is haunted by memories of his past, specifically his time as a slave and his relationship with his former master, who was killed by Xaltotun.

  • Conan must confront these demons and find a way to use his past experiences to defeat Xaltotun.

  • Meanwhile, Valeria and Subotai face their own challenges on the battlefield, including treacherous allies and unexpected betrayals.

Act III:

  • In the final battle, Conan leads his armies against Xaltotun's forces, and engages in a brutal one-on-one fight with the sorcerer.

  • Using his knowledge of Xaltotun's weaknesses, as well as his own physical strength and cunning, Conan emerges victorious.

  • With Xaltotun defeated, Conan solidifies his rule over Aquilonia and reflects on the sacrifices he had to make to get there.

  • The film ends with Conan looking out over his kingdom, contemplating his legacy and the future of Aquilonia.

Possible tagline: "The greatest warrior becomes the greatest king."


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

More Inspiration- The Tipu’s Tiger


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