Grenadier Wraith WW08

Recently I was on eBay (evil nasty wicked site….. separates me from my money…..) and came across 1979 Grenadier Wraith WW08 Miniature Wizzards & Warriors mini.

The mini is a free floating wraith. There was no base. The mini had no feet so I was thinking, “I don’t want to glue this directly to a base. Wraiths need to hover.”

So I started going through my boxes of ‘Miscellanous @#$^’. My first thought was to use a piece of either brass or steel wire. Finding no wire, I considered nails. Nope… All the nails I had were to large in diameter.

Rummagining around I found an old carpet tack that was very thin in cross section an curved like a scimitar blade. AH HA! I nipped off the larger end of the tack to create my ‘levitation stand’. I drilled a hole into the bottom of the figure about a 16th of inch and superglued the pointy end of the tack into it.

I used a Resin 3D printed base I had printed some time ago. Took out the drill and the base was actually harder to drill than the metal figure!

So instead of drilling the base I grabbed some Green Putty and made some extra rocks. The larger end of the tack was easy to push into them. This has the added advantage of more support on the tack.

Since I had the green putty out, I modified the figure itself by adding some eyes. The effect I was going for was kinda like Jawa eyes.

Once the putty dried I based the figure in Vallejo Black Primer. I also used this as the base color coat. Shading was done by mixing the black with Vallejo Prussian Blue in varying amounts of blue and finally adding Army Painter Uniform Grey.

Black is a BITCH to shade…..


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