Let’s Build a Random Dungeon - Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I decided I was going to create a totally random dungeon to demonstrate how easy it is to do. I generated the rooms and used Dungeon Scrawl to create a quick map.

Now, lets populate the 4 rooms, again using Random Tables in the 1st Edition DMG, and then we will add room descriptions with ChatGPT.

Populating the Dungeon

Room 1 - Rolled a 10 = Empty

Room 2 - Rolled a 4 = Empty

Room 3 - Rolled a 16 which resulted in Monster and Treasure (see Table G and V)

Sub Table G Treasure : Roll 72 = 250gp per level Monster Level

Dungeon Randmom Monster Level Determination Matrix: Roll 18 = II

Monster Level II Table : Roll 44 = Piercer x3

Room 4 - Rolled a 19 resulting in a Trick Trap

Table VII : Roll 11 = 20' x 20' elevator room (party has entered door directly ahead and is in room), descends but room descends 2-5 levels - 1 upon entering and 1 additional level each time an unsuccessful attempt at door opening is made, or until it descends as far as it can. Will not ascend for 60 turns

As someone who is familiar with the TTRPG community, I'm aware that ChatGPT has received criticism for its use in games. However, I must respectfully disagree with the naysayers. In my opinion, ChatGPT is an excellent tool for quickly generating descriptions, dialogue, or random encounters. In situations where you need to throw together a game session at the last minute, ChatGPT can be a lifesaver.

Rather than being lazy, I see it as being resourceful. When you're pressed for time, it's important to have tools at your disposal that can help you create something quickly and efficiently. ChatGPT's ability to generate text on the fly can be incredibly useful in these situations. Whether you need a quick description of a room, some dialogue for an NPC, or a random encounter for your players to stumble upon, ChatGPT can help you get the job done in a pinch.

Of course, it's always important to use ChatGPT with discretion. While it can be a useful tool, it's not a substitute for the creativity and imagination of a skilled game master. It's always best to use ChatGPT as a starting point and then add your own personal touches to the content it generates.

Room Descriptions

Room 1. ChatGPT Prompt - Describe a 30x50 room with 5 doors (two east wall, two west wall, one north wall) with stairs leading in from the outside on the south wall as an entry way into a dungeon

You enter a dimly lit 30x50 room through a set of stone stairs that lead down from the outside, located on the south wall. The rough stone walls are covered in moss and slime, with the occasional cobweb hanging in the corners. The room is mostly empty, except for five doors - two on the east wall, two on the west wall, and one on the north wall. The doors are made of heavy wood, with iron hinges and handles. The door on the north wall appears to be the largest and most imposing of the five.

The floor is made of rough-hewn stone, and in the center of the room, there is a large circular pattern carved into the stone. It appears to be some kind of arcane symbol, with strange runes and sigils etched around the edge. There are no other markings or decorations in the room, aside from a few flickering torches on the walls that cast eerie shadows across the floor.

The doors on the east and west walls look identical, with no visible markings or signs to indicate where they lead. The doors on the north wall is similarly plain, but seems to be thicker and sturdier than the others.

The air in the room is thick and musty, with a faint smell of damp earth and decay. You can hear the faint sound of dripping water echoing off the walls, and there is a sense of foreboding that permeates the air. It is clear that this room is merely the entryway into a much larger dungeon, filled with danger and adventure.

Room 2. ChatGPT Prompt - Leaving the room through the NW door - Describe a 20x40 room to match the dungeon.

As you leave the entryway through the northwest door, you find yourself in a 20x40 room that matches the dungeon's grim and foreboding atmosphere. The rough stone walls are covered in thick layers of moss and fungus, giving the room a damp and musty smell. The floor is made of rough-hewn stone, and in some places, it is slick with moisture.

There are no windows in the room, and the only light comes from a few flickering torches on the walls. The shadows they cast are deep and eerie, making it difficult to see beyond the immediate area. In the center of the room, there is a large stone pillar, carved with strange symbols and runes that appear to glow faintly in the torchlight.

Room 3. ChatGPT Prompt - Leaving the room through the NE door - Describe a 40x40 room to match the dungeon, but the environment must support piercers.

As you leave the entryway through the northeast door, you find yourself in a large 40x40 room that matches the dungeon's grim and foreboding atmosphere. The rough stone walls are covered in thick layers of moss and fungus, giving the room a damp and musty smell. The floor is made of rough-hewn stone, and in some places, it is slick with moisture.

The room is dimly lit, with only a few flickering torches on the walls to provide light. As you move further into the room, you notice that the ceiling is covered in jagged, sharp stalactites that hang menacingly overhead. You also notice a few small piles of rubble on the floor, which upon closer inspection, you realize are actually the remains of unfortunate creatures that have been impaled by the stalactites.

Further details if the party is able to spot the Piercers in the room.

As you move further into the room, you become aware of a new danger - piercers. These strange, worm-like creatures cling to the ceiling, and when they sense movement below, they drop down and try to impale their prey with their sharp, pointed tails. You can see several of them moving slowly along the ceiling, their long, thin bodies twisting and turning as they search for prey.

Room 4. ChatGPT Prompt -Leaving through the SE Door - Describe a 3300sqft hexagonal room, with a medival style of 20x20 elevator in the middle of the room

As you leave the entryway through the southeast door, you find yourself in a massive hexagonal room that spans approximately 3300 square feet. The walls are made of rough-hewn stone and are adorned with torch sconces at regular intervals. The room's high ceiling is supported by large stone pillars that create a ring around the hexagonal perimeter.

In the center of the room stands a medieval-style elevator, made of dark, polished wood and adorned with intricate carvings and metal embellishments. The elevator is twenty feet wide and twenty feet deep and has a weight capacity of up to ten people or a large amount of cargo.

The elevator is operated by a hand-cranked pulley system, and a series of thick ropes and chains extend from the top of the elevator car to the ceiling above. A set of stairs encircles the elevator, leading up to a small platform where the operator stands to operate the hand-crank.

As you look around the room, you notice that the walls are adorned with various medieval weapons, such as swords, axes, and shields, as well as tapestries depicting scenes of battle and chivalry.

Despite its grandeur, there is an air of danger and foreboding in the room. It is clear that whoever designed this place intended it to be a fortress, and that there are likely many dangers lurking in the shadows.

There you have it. Using basic tools, breaking out the books and throwing in a little ChatGPT, you have a quick and easy dungeon for your players to crawl. If you liked this quick post, please comment below and I will do more along this line. We love your feedback.



I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.


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