Fuck You WizKids!!!

In a perplexing twist, the iconic "Red Box Warrior" from Dungeons & Dragons lore has been given an unexpected makeover by WizKids.

For nearly half a century, this iconic piece of art as inspired fans of all ages, and as a long-time supporter of WizKids and their products, I found myself eagerly anticipating adding this (and many other figures) to my collection. However, the revelation that the Red Box Warrior has been reimagined as a woman has left me feeling disillusioned and disheartened. Despite decades of established imagery, the company has decided to flip the script and present this iconic figure as female, along with with possible race swapping as well.

This decision will undoubtedly raise eyebrows among longtime Dungeons & Dragons enthusiasts. For many, the Red Box Warrior symbolized the quintessential male hero, embodying the classic archetype of strength and valor. To suddenly alter this image without any regard for the game's rich history seems like a disservice to both the character and the dedicated community that has supported Dungeons & Dragons for generations.

To add insult to injury, Larry Elmore, the artist behind the original cover art, recently released an alternate version of the artwork. This alternative depiction not only showcases the dragon and warrior in similar poses but also includes a thief and a female magic-user further from the action. This suggests that Elmore's original vision may not have aligned with WizKids' reinterpretation of the iconic character.

The Red Box Warrior has long been depicted as a male character in various forms of Dungeons & Dragons merchandise and artwork. From action figures to illustrations, the prevailing image has consistently portrayed the warrior as a stalwart male hero. Even in subsequent artworks by other artists, the character's gender remained unchanged, reinforcing the established perception of the Red Box Warrior as male.

Elmore's authority as the original artist adds weight to this interpretation, as his vision shaped the iconic imagery that has defined Dungeons & Dragons for generations. Additionally, the narrative continuity of the character meeting the dragon again in later depictions further solidifies the notion of the Red Box Warrior as a male figure.

Given this longstanding portrayal and the artist's own confirmation, the sudden gender swap by WizKids feels like a jarring departure from established lore. It not only disrupts the continuity of the character but also undermines the artistic integrity of the original vision.

As a result, I have made the difficult decision to cease purchasing WizKids products. While I have been a loyal supporter in the past, I cannot in good conscience continue to support a company that disregards the wishes and expectations of its fanbase in such a cavalier manner.

In the end, only time will tell how this controversial decision will be received by the Dungeons & Dragons community. But for now, one thing is certain: the mystery of the Red Box Warrior may have been solved, but it has left behind a trail of disappointment and disbelief in its wake.


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.


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