A FREE Adventure -Mythical Meats

Dungeons & Dragons is a game that thrives on imagination, exploration, and the pursuit of unusual quests. As a DM, I recently embarked on a culinary-inspired adventure using the concept that the products produced by Mythical Meats were a centerpiece of adventure. Little did I know that my creativity would lead to an unexpected partnership with the very source of inspiration!

As the creator and storyteller - I am always looking for ways to immerse my players in the experience. Inspired by the concept of Mythical Meats, I reached out to company, sharing my passion for their unique product and my plan to incorporate it into our gaming sessions. To my surprise and delight, Mythical Meats not only loved the idea but also offered to sponsor our adventure by sending a selection of their exquisite meats for us to sample!

Imagine my excitement when a package from Mythical Meats arrived, filled with tantalizing samples. Sadly, having a college football player in the house means that things that taste good do not typically last, and the package was broken into one night during a late night session of Fortnite.

Still, I wanted to push forward with this plan, so I set out writing an adventure based on the product existing in a fantasy world, the Mythical Meats having magical properties, and the party setting out to shut down a competitor with sub-par (some would say questionable) ingredients.

What began as a creative D&D adventure based on Mythical Meats took another unexpected turn when other members of the Drunkards and Dragons crew stepped in to help create a professionally presented adventure. Their contributions exceeded my expectations, and to make it up to the party members (many of whom know my son and understand my plight), I personally purchased packages of Mythical Meats for everyone as a reward for their dedication and enjoyment of the game.

As the DM and a passionate fan of Mythical Meats, I wholeheartedly recommend incorporating real-life experiences and partnerships into your D&D campaigns. Let your imagination roam, and who knows, you might just find yourself on an adventure that exceeds all expectations—both in-game and at the dining table!

Download the adventure HERE or by clicking the picture below.


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.


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Beef Jerky Time