A Drug Post for 420

Well - Its 420, and regardless of your beliefs on the significance or celebration of today, one has to recognize that drugs are a part of our real world, and our fantasy ones. In researching for an article on what drugs are available in the Forgotten Realms, I stumbled upon a classic, Forgotten Realms Comic #10 Head Cheeeese. Reading the back issue, I immediately knew I had to throw something together to commemorate the day and this awesome comic. You can find a copy HERE at readcomiconline.li

In the late 14th century DR, the origin of cheeeese was unknown, but it was being distributed in Luiren, Saerloon, and Waterdeep, albeit in limited supply and with strict consent from high-ranking individuals like Piergeiron, Khelben, or the leader of a recognized temple.

In Luiren, a human named Joribel was responsible for creating a dangerous dependency among halflings by introducing them to cheeeese. He manipulated them into becoming thieves, robbers, murderers, and sex slaves, using their addiction to control them. One notable halfling affected by Joribel's actions was Foxilon Cardluck, who became dependent on cheeeese after being introduced to it by Joribel.

Joribel rationed the cheeeese to the halflings under his control, forcing them to kill, raid, and steal in order to obtain their supply of the drug. He even made them fight in an arena for his sadistic pleasure. Foxilon struggled with his addiction but eventually succumbed to it, his willpower weakened by the allure of more cheeeese. However, he managed to break the habit when a larger halfling bully kept stealing his share, causing him to dry out.

One day, Foxilon witnessed Joribel taking a young halfling girl whom he thought he knew and cared for, for his own pleasure. Fueled by rage, Foxilon attacked Joribel, stabbing him, and then rescued the girl, fleeing from Joribel's castle. During their escape, Foxilon caused a distraction by toppling a plate of cheeeese, which slowed down their pursuers but not the bully, who chased after them and was ultimately killed under a falling portcullis.

Afterward, Foxilon met Dwalimar Omen and Minder, and shared his story, omitting his own addiction. Omen, upon hearing Foxilon's story, destroyed Joribel's castle. However, Foxilon's addiction resurfaced in Saerloon, and he had a quilted hallucination where a dark figure, possibly representing his guilty conscience, guided him through the dark times of addiction. This figure claimed that the girl he had rescued had fallen back into addiction and suffered a terrible fate. Foxilon finally decided to break free from his addiction, throwing the remaining Mind cheese overboard and resolving to kick the habit for good.

Despite his resolve, Foxilon was hesitant to share the truth with his shipmates. However, Priam Agrivar, a recovering alcoholic who recognized the signs of addiction, encouraged Foxilon to be honest with his friends so that they could support him. Though grateful for the support, Foxilon still couldn't bring himself to reveal the truth about his addiction.


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.


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